December is the time of year when many celebrate Christmas, Hanukah and Kwanzaa. Each of these holidays commemorates a special time and a significant event in which wonderful things happened in the world. During each of these events gifts are given in expressions of love, faith and community.
Bethany Inc. will follow these examples as we will be having an annual Christmas Party for our residents on December 17th 2016. We will be joined by neighboring churches Miracle International Peace Ministries in Capital Heights, MD and Greater Tyson Temple-FUCLG in Washington, D.C. – as they have volunteered to help make our residents’ holiday season special.
We will feast, exchange gifts and sing songs of Christmas together. In the spirit of love, faith and community we invite you to join us in giving a special donation or pledge this season to support our efforts to Build Stronger Families in the DC area and combat homelessness for one family at a time.
Diane S. Jones
Board President