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Seasons Greetings from Our Board President

At Bethany Inc. we are thankful for much this Nativity and holiday season. We are thankful that our doors remain open; that we yet have the opportunity to serve our community and that you are a part of what we do.

Today, I would like to share a bit of Christmas history with you: Before the name "Christmas" was coined, the birth of Christ was celebrated as the Mid-Winter Feast, Nativity or Noel (First Birth). In the Gospel of Matthew we see that the birth of Christ was a time for reverence, worship, giving and receiving gifts. In that same spirit, our tenant families will be adopted for Christmas by a local church so they may receive gifts to make this holiday season extra special and joyous for them.

Love and community is what makes Good Hope House of Bethany a special place to be.

We would like you to join us in giving a special donation or pledge this season to support our efforts to Build Stronger Families in the DC area and combat homelessness for one family at a time.


Diane S. Jones

Board President

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